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Lions District 2-A1, the A-1 District!

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Club Goals

2-A1 "Bring Us Together"

1) 100% - 100%
This means that all clubs are at least 100% to all of our designated charities. Many Clubs are 200%, 500% or more to some or all charities. This is really "Doing What Lions Do'!

2) +1 Member all Clubs
We won't meet this goal unless all clubs have 1 more member - next year (June 30th), than they had this year (July 1st).  We don't want any Club to feel that they don't need to get their +1 because some other club got +2 or more. It may be a District Goal, but a Club "serves" with its own membership. Each Club must grow individually, if it doesn't want to become extinct.

3) +1 (net gain in Clubs)
This speaks for itself and our Global Membership Team will be working on this. Your job is twofold - don't be a Club we lose this year, and secondly, point out opportunities, where a new Lions Club or Leo Club could be started. A second Club in your town picks up new Lions that can't meet when you do. Two Clubs can work together on big projects, and can promote fun and friendly competition. Amazingly, many times a new Club in the town increases awareness of an old club and spurs membership growth. Don't be afraid of it.

4) 1 Signature Service Project in every Club
A signature project is a "service" project (not a fundraiser, unless fund raising for some other charity) that is so well known that people in the community automatically know it's "the Lions" when you mention it. It may be one with your name on it like a community park you built and maintain. These are the projects "that Lions Do" that tell people it's GREAT to be a Lion. Every Club should have at least one.

5) 10% Increase in registered organ donors on State registry for A1 Counties
There is a separate letter, sign-up form and WTELBA (Western Texas Lions Eye Bank Alliance) flyer in this packet that will explain this program. This is a low cost project that gets Lions out in the public doing a great service, while becoming more visible. It's Doing What Lions Do!

6) 1 or 2 candidates for all elected offices (improve & deepen Club & District Leadership pool)
There are far too many Clubs with repeat officers year after year. When they die, so does the club. You need to start in July building a leadership pool to get candidates for Club and District office next year. Bring your prospective leaders to our District seminars and leadership training to get them more interested in taking leadership positions. Work with them in your Club to take the Lions leadership courses on-line.

7) 3 Diabetes Awareness Entrants & 1 Peace Poster Entrant per Zone
What a way to help children mature and build their confidence in their abilities! When Lions involve children in contests, scholarships, etc., we not only set the stage for future Lions, but their parents, if asked, may join now because they see us "Doing What Lions Do". Remember the Circle of Lions!