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Lions District 2-A1, the A-1 District!

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Hall of Fame

1974 Everett J. Grindstaff, Ballinger 2000 E.F. (Trip) Tripplet, (2-T3)
1975 D. Sebley Riley, Big Spring 2002 Vershel Smith, Sweetwater
1981 Roy A. Minear, Midland 2005 Ike Fitzgerald, Midland Downtown
1987 Carl O. Hyde, Midland 2008 James L. Wilks, Sweetwater Lions Club
1990 Conner S. Scott, Brownwood 2011 Joyce Downie, San Angelo Concho Pearl
1993 Leonard Hanson, Midland 2012 Alvin Z. Owen, San Angelo Downtown
1996 Paul Palmer, Early 2017 John Hancock, San Angelo Downtown
1999 Harlan Brancel, San Angelo 2020 Tom Blase, Midland Downtown